Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a best-selling author, speaker, educator, and one of the world’s foremost experts on Bitcoin and open blockchain technology.

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Professor Andreas’ success is no accident, he is a highly sought-after expert in Bitcoin and open blockchain technology

Andreas Speaking

Andreas M. Antonopoulos Investment Team

1972, London | 52 years old

British-Greek Bitcoin advocate, technology entrepreneur, and author. Graduated from the University of London, he is the host of the "Let's Talk Bitcoin" podcast, and has a Master of Science degree.

As a renowned technologist and serial entrepreneur, Andreas has become one of the most recognized and respected figures in the Bitcoin space. His talks, articles, and consultation help startups, executives, and institutions navigate the blockchain space.

Since 1990, Andreas has taught various IT topics in private, professional, and academic settings, delivering over 400 presentations to audiences ranging from executives to thousands of attendees. Known for his exceptional speaking skills, he is regarded as a world-class public speaker. In 2014, he joined the University of Nicosia as a teaching fellow, where he helped develop the curriculum and co-taught the university’s MOOC course, Introduction to Digital Currency.

As a Bitcoin entrepreneur, Andreas has founded multiple Bitcoin companies, launched several open-source community projects, and served as an advisor to numerous cryptocurrency firms. He has published extensively on Bitcoin, is a resident host of the popular podcast Let’s Talk Bitcoin, and frequently speaks at global tech and security conferences.

Andreas M. Antonopoulos

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